Bee the change you wish the world to see

Bee Nice Red Hill Honey and Treats is founded in memory of Casey Trevino who
wanted to start this business in pursue of helping customers alleviate pains and help with medical
issues such as stress, anxiety, bipolarism. During his life he suffered through depression,
bipolarism and childhood trauma which caused him to have a purpose in these products. Casey
loved Bees and even specialized in them by learning their habits and nature and working with a
company in Florida that gave him the opportunity to be around them all day. He was also allergic
to bees and somehow had a true fascination for them that he was willing to take that risk while
working with them. He always wanted his own bee farm to produce honey and one day create
these products to help others. Casey and Natalie originally opened Bee Nice in pursue of his
goals. Shortly after covid struck putting everything on hold and a year later he would pass from
heart disease leaving behind Natalie and the family they started together.

Red Hill Honey owned by Esmeralda and Antonio is in Woodruff South Carolina, with
currently 50 Colonies. The Bees are primarily used for farming during the warm months. The
bees have pollinated over 200 acres in farmland from tomatoes to cucumbers and local flowers.
In pursue to keep them healthy and alive. Winter flowers such as roses help the bees eat and
continue pollinating and they continue to create the amazing honey the produce all year long.
They aren’t called working bee’s for a reason.

Natalie and Esmeralda would like to finish his dream and rebranded Bee Nice together to make Bee Nice owned by Natalie (with the original name by Casey) and Red Hill Honey owned by Esmeralda and Antonio Sandoval. Casey Truly wanted to live by his motto for the business “Bee The change you wish the world to see.” It has become Natalie’s mission to see his dreams through.

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